MSc Thesis Opportunity: Use of satellite imagery to detect non-point sources of pollution in streamsA two-year M.Sc. thesis scholarship is to work with Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada (AAFC) and Fluvial Systems Research (FSR) on...
Gearing up for fieldwork, Summer 2019The ice is finally melting here in Ottawa, and we're getting ready for this season's fieldwork. - In Gatineau Park, satellite image...
Field course in Zanzibar, August 2018It's official - we ran a Geomatics and Landscape Ecology field course in Zanzibar, 6-26 August 2018! The course focused on the...
MSc Thesis Opportunity: Use of satellite imagery to detect non-point sources of pollution in streamsA two-year M.Sc. thesis scholarship is to work with Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada (AAFC) and Fluvial Systems Research (FSR) on...
Gearing up for fieldwork, Summer 2019The ice is finally melting here in Ottawa, and we're getting ready for this season's fieldwork. - In Gatineau Park, satellite image...
Field course in Zanzibar, August 2018It's official - we ran a Geomatics and Landscape Ecology field course in Zanzibar, 6-26 August 2018! The course focused on the...
Fieldwork in Cambridge Bay, NunavutIn early August 2017, Kiyomi and I went to Cambridge Bay, Nunavut, do collect some field data for her work on Satellite-Derived...